marco turchi
2017-01-28 22:06:19 UTC
Dear All,
I need to use the ShingleAnalyzerWrapper in PyLucene.
I have built the analyzer similar to Lucene:
self.analyzer = ShingleAnalyzerWrapper(WhitespaceAnalyzer(), 2, 4, " " ,
True, False, None)
and I have used it inside QuertParser
query = QueryParser("source", self.analyzer).parse("welcome world is at on")
the output is:
source:welcome source:world source:is source:at source:on
I have run the same code in Java and the output is how I would expect it:
source:welcome source:welcome world source:welcome world is source:welcome
world is at source:world source:world is source:world is at source:world is
at on source:is content:is at source:is at on source:at source:at on
Do you have any ideas in what I'm doing wrong in PyLucene?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help
I need to use the ShingleAnalyzerWrapper in PyLucene.
I have built the analyzer similar to Lucene:
self.analyzer = ShingleAnalyzerWrapper(WhitespaceAnalyzer(), 2, 4, " " ,
True, False, None)
and I have used it inside QuertParser
query = QueryParser("source", self.analyzer).parse("welcome world is at on")
the output is:
source:welcome source:world source:is source:at source:on
I have run the same code in Java and the output is how I would expect it:
source:welcome source:welcome world source:welcome world is source:welcome
world is at source:world source:world is source:world is at source:world is
at on source:is content:is at source:is at on source:at source:at on
Do you have any ideas in what I'm doing wrong in PyLucene?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help